Monday, May 31, 2021

The Lutheran Witness, Volume XLVII, No. 26, 25 December 1928.

The Lutheran Witness, the official paper of the Evangelical Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states, was published biweekly by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri.  Indexed here is Volume XLVII, No. 26, published 25 December 1928, pages 425-440, CR-1.

 Of special interest are the changes of address for the reverends and the occasional obituary.  To receive copies of articles mentioning the name of your person of interest, contact (Numbers following names are page numbers.)

 AHERN, Gene, 435

ALBRECHT, W., Rev., 434




BAEDER, Rev., 438

BAEDER, W.F.V., 438


BARTH, G. Chr., 439

BAUMHEFNER, Walter, Rev., 434

BEFUS, J., Rev., 434

BENTE, Esther, 434

BERNAHL, John, 437

BERNAHL, Norma, 438

BERNAHL, Robert G.G., Pastor, 437

BERNAHL, Robert G.G., Rev., 437 (obituary)

BERNAHL, Wilhelmine, 437

BERNTHAL, Walter G., 434

BEYER, A.J., Rev., 439

BEYER, J., Rev., 434

BIRKNER, H., 438

BLOEDEL, Hugo, Pastor, 438

BOYER, Geo. M., 438

BRAND, Frederick, 433

BRAUER, O., Pastor, 438

BRAUER, Walter C., Rev., 433

BRENNER, R.W., 438


BRUNN, Arthur, Rev., 438

BUDACH, Paul, 439

BURGTORF, Wm., 438

BURHOP, W.C., Rev. Prof., 433

BURKHARDT, M.O., Pastor, 437

CAMIN, H., Rev., 434


CHRISTENSEN, Charles, 435

CHRISTENSEN, Charles G., 429


CLOETER, A., Rev., 439

CRAM, 433


DANNENFELDT, Paul F., Pastor, 439

DASLER, A., Rev., 434

DAY, S.P., 430

DAY, S.P., Mrs., 430

DEWALD, J., Rev., 439

DIERKS, A.A., 438

DOERFFLER, Alfred, Rev., 439

DOVING, C., Rev. Mr., 435

DREYER, E.J., Rev., 439


EBERHARD, C.A., Rev., 435

ECKERT, Mrs., 432

ECKERT, P., Brother, 433

ECKHARDT, E., Rev., 439

EDDLEMAN, Missionary, 432

EGGERS, E.H., Rev., 433


EMERY, De Forest, Mrs., 434

ENGELBERT, Paul J., 434

ERBE, O., 438

ERCK, 438

FAAS, Otto, Student, 437 (obituary)

FALCKNER, Justus, 436

FEHNER, Pastor, 435

FEHNER, H.B., Rev., 435


FUEHLER, A., 438

G., 429-431, 436

G.A.S., 437

GALLMAN, C.E., Pastor, 438

GEHRMANN, Johanna, 438

GEIKEN, M.H.J., 438

GERKEN, Jos., 438

GIBSON, Dallas, Rev., 435, 439

GIERKE, P., Rev., 439

GOCKEL, H.W., 426

GRAEBNER, Th., Prof., 439

GRAEBNER, Theo., 432

H.A.S., 436


HAMM, G.D., Rev., 433

HARMS, W., Rev., 438

HAUEISEN, 429, 435

HAUEISEN, Frederick, 429

HAUEISEN, Frederick G., 429 (picture; memorial)


HEILMAN, O., 438


HERRMANN, O.D., Rev., 439

HEYL, Paul R., Dr., 431

HOEMANN, A.L., 438

HOERBER, Geo., 439

HOHENSTEIN, Herman H., Rev., 439

HOHENSTEIN, W.E., Pastor, 438

HOOVER, Herbert, President-elect, 434

HUSMANN, E.S.H., 438

J.H.C.F., 430, 431

JACOBSEN, Geo. C., Rev., 434

JANK, R.M., Missionary, 432

JILG, Geo. J., 439


JUNGE, W.E., 439

KARPINSKY, R., Pastor, 438


KLAUSING, W., Rev., 434

KLAUSING, Walter, Pastor, 439

KLEIN, H.A., 437

KLEMP, H.R., 438

KLOEHN, R.F., Rev., 439

KNOERNSCHILD, E.H., Brother, 432

KOEHLER, A.W., Rev., 434

KOHLMEIER, H., Rev., 434


KORIES, E., 438

KORIES, Ewald, Pastor, 438

KRETZMANN, Karl, Rev., 436


KREUTZ, F., Sr., Rev., 437

KUECHLE, Ernst, 439


L., 433

L.M., 428

LANG, Paul H.D., 434

LANG, Paul H.D., Rev., 434


LICHTSINN, W., Rev., 434


LOHRMANN, J., Pastor, 437

LUFT, Theo. L., 438

LUTHER, 435, 440

LYNN, President, 432

MAIER, Anna Eva, 438

MAROZIK, J.E., Mrs., 434

MARTIN, L., Rev., 439

MAYO, Katherine, 426

MEDLER, W.H., 438

MEIER, J.H., 439

MEYER, 438

MEYER, Herm. F., Pastor, 438

MIETKE, G., Rev., 439

MILLER, J.W., Pastor, 439

MILLER, Paul F., Pastor, 439

MOESSNER, Norma, 438


MUELLER, A., 438

MUELLER, Almar, 438

MUELLER, John Theodore, 428

MUELLER, P.D., Rev., 435

MUNDINGER, W.H., Rev., 439

NEITZEL, Richard, Prof., 439

NEUENDORF, A.F., Pastor, 437

OBERHEU, Brother, 432

P.Z., 433

PASCHE, F.E., Pastor, 440

PEBLER, C.P., 438

PFLUG, Pastor, 438

PFLUG, Henry Carl Frederick, Pastor, 438 (obituary)

PINNT, O.A., 438

PLASS, E.W., Pastor, 438

POLACK, W.G., Prof., 433

POLLEX, A., Rev., 439

POTRATZ, E.O., 438

POTT, M.W., 438

RANDT, F., Pastor, 438

READ, Thomas Buchanan, 437


REED, Enos B., 437

REIK, H.C., Rev., 439

RIEMER, O., Rev., 439

RIESS, Oswald G.L., 439

RUPPRECHT, Oliver C., 434

S., 425, 427, 430, 431


SCHAEFER, J.H., Rev., 438

SCHMIDT, Geo., Professor, 438

SCHMIDT, George A., Rev., 432

SCHNACK, J.E., Pastor, 438

SCHROEDER, Herbert P., Rev., 434


SCHUETZ, W.H.L., 438

SCHULZ, P., President, 437


SCHURICHT, Ralph Th., Pastor, 438

SHIPLEY, Professor, 435

SIECK, L.J., Rev., 429

SIEMS, Werner A., 433

SOMMER, M.S., Prof., 439

SOMMER, Martin S., Prof., 439


STIEGEMEYER, Theo., Rev., 438

SUMNER, Charles K., 434

THOMAE, F.W., 438

TONN, E.T., 438

TRESKOW, C.G., 438

TWIETMEYER, Geo. L., 439

VOGEL, W.T., Pastor, 438

W.G.P., 435, 436

WAMBSGANSS, Fred, Pastor, 439

WAMBSGANSS, Philip, Pastor, 439

WELP, H.C., 438


WESTCOTT, Rev., 432


WIESE, E.F., 439

WILHELM, Phil., Pastor, 438


WUNDERLICH, Aug., Pastor ,438

ZARWELL, H.C., 438

ZIEMENDORF, Ph., Rev., 434

ZIMMERMANN, E.C., Rev., 439


ZUCKER, F.R., Brother, 432


Editorial – Death of Frederick G. Haueisen.


     “Their Works Do Follow Them.” – Even those who know the lively interest which Frederick G. Haueisen, of St. Louis, had shown during his lifetime not only in his home congregation (Zion; the Rev. L.J. Sieck, pastor), but in our Synod at large, stopped and wondered when the full amount of his benefactions, as provided for in his will, were made public.  Mr. Haueisen departed this life at the age of eighty-two years on December 4, and his total bequests to the Church and its institutions aggregate about $200,000.  (Relatives and friends received about $243,000 and the residue of the estate of about $600,000 will be divided between the Church and relatives.)  Zion Church receives $20,000 as a trust fund to be known as the “Haueisen Indigent Student’s Fund,” for the benefit of young men preparing for the ministry; an additional $20,000 is an endowment for Zion Congregation; and $6,000 is given as an equivalent of Mr. Haueisen’s contributions for five years.  His pastor receives $2,000.  The sum of $50,000 is bequeathed to the Missouri Synod, to be used for “its general purposes.”  The Concordia Seminary Indigent Students’ Fund received $10,000 and KFUO $2,000.  There is a bequest of $2,500 for church extension of the Western District; $2,500 for city missions of the Lutheran churches in St. Louis; $2,500 for foreign missions; $2,500 for Colored Missions; $1,000 for general Home Missions; $1,000 for South American Missions; $2,000 for the Lutheran Laymen’s League; $500 for the Wheat Ridge Sanitarium at Wheat Ridge, Colorado; $500 for Home Missions in Germany; $500 for the Bethesda Home at Watertown, Wisconsin; $500 for the Home-finding and Altenheim Society of St. Louis; $1,000 goes to Valparaiso University and $1,000 to Immanuel Lutheran College at Greensboro, North Carolina.  The bequests to his home congregation provided that if the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Louis “should at any time sever its connections with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States,” the funds “are to be turned over to the latter organization.”

     We believe that this is the largest amount ever received by our Church in the form of legacies.  Mr. Haueisen, in addition, made very large donations to various synodical purposes during his life, not only to his home congregation, but also to synodical undertakings, such as the new Concordia Seminary ($10,000), the Lutheran Laymen’s League Endowment Fund, the purchase of the new Seminary site, and other purposes, too numerous to mention.

     Eight years old when his family immigrated from Germany, Frederick Haueisen’s father died three years later.  After attending parochial school, the boy was confirmed.  His only further education consisted in night-school at a commercial college.  His first position was that of a porter for a commission house.  In 1868 he began a commission firm, which prospered and from which he retired five years age.  He was a plain Christian, utterly unassuming, a lovable character.  He conducted a moderate household, lived a simple life, and has long since been regarded as the “grand old man” of Zion Congregation, whose pastor he regularly consulted regarding his benefactions… G.


Obituary of Student Otto Faas.


     Otto Faas, student at Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, died suddenly on September 22.  He was born January 17, 1903, in Pilot Township, Iowa County, Iowa.  In September, 1922, he entered our institution for the purpose of preparing himself for the office of the holy ministry.  He discontinued his studies in 1923, but reentered in 1925 and was now a member of the Second Seminary class. D.v., he would have graduated in 1931.  The body was sent to his home at Victor, Iowa, where Christian burial took place on September 26.  Rev. F. Kreutz, Sr., preached the funeral sermon on Luke 7, 11-17.  Besides his parents, three brothers, and five sisters our entire student-body mourns his loss.  H.A. Klein.


Obituary of Rev. Robert G.G. Bernahl.


     Again a young and very conscientious servant of the Lord in the holy ministry was summoned to leave the field in which he had labored so faithfully and to enter the joy of his Lord in the Kingdom of Glory.  It was Pastor Robert G.G. Bernahl.

     The deceased, a son of John and Wilhelmine Bernahl, was born at Bethlehem, Illinois, December 4, 1900.  Having received a thorough instruction in the Christian day-school, he was confirmed in 1914.  A graduate of Springfield, Illinois, in 1923, he accepted a call to St. John’s at Sparta, Illinois, and Trinity, of Kaskaskia Island, Illinois.  In the spring of 1927 he suffered a severe attack of influenza and pneumonia, following which he contracted tuberculosis.  On September 16, 1928, the Lord granted him a blessed end.  Funeral services were held at Altamont, Illinois, September 19.  President P. Schulz officiated at the home, Pastor M.O. Burkhardt addressed the mourning relatives as well as a large assembly of fellow-Lutherans and friends of the deceased at the church in the German tongue, and the undersigned spoke in the English language and Pastor J. Lohrmann in behalf of the confidence of which the departed had been a member.  Interment took place at Bethlehem.  Pastor A.F. Neuendorf officiated at the grave.  A number of brethren of the Southern Illinois and the Central Illinois District were present to pay their last respects to the deceased.

     He is survived by his devoted wife Norma, nee Meossner, with whom he had been united in holy wedlock July 17, 1924, by a daughter, his parents, two brothers, and two sisters, who mourn his departure at the early age of 27 years, 9 months, and 12 days.  Matt. 25, 21.  Bethlehem, Illinois; M.W. Pott.


Obituary of Pastor Henry Carl Frederick Pflug.


     Pastor Henry Carl Frederick Pflug was born January 5, 1864, at Maywood, Illinois.  It was here also where he renewed his baptismal covenant in 1878.  In the fall of that year he entered Concordia College at Fort Wayne, Indiana, continuing there until his entry at Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, in 1882.  When he graduated in 1887, he accepted a call to El Paso, Illinois, serving also the preaching-stations at Cayuga and Meadows and, beginning with January, 1888, also the congregation at Chenoa with its station Gridley.  In August, 1888, Pastor Pflug married Johanna Gehrmann, only to lose her by death two months later.  On November 24, 1889, he married Anna Eva Maier.  Their union was blessed with three children.  From January, 1902, to July, 1909, he served the congregation at Thayer, Nebraska, ministering also, according to their respective needs, to the charges at Beaver Creek, Utica, and Waco.  From August, 1909, to December, 1927, he devoted himself to the congregation at Scribner, Nebraska, and the station at North Bend.  Pastor Pflug taught parish school and was equal to the situation when state requirements were moved up a notch or two, until his congregation was able to supply him with a student.  On retiring to Fremont, Nebraska, in December, 1927, he continued to serve the station at North Bend, until May, 1928.  His prayer for “deliverance from all evil” was heard on June 19, 1928.

     At the funeral services at Fremont, Nebraska, the Rev. J.H. Schaefer officiated at the house, while the Rev. W. Harms, president of the Northern Nebraska District, and the undersigned spoke at the services in the church in German and English, respectively.  Interment was made on June 22 at El Paso, Illinois, Pastors J.E. Schnack and W.E. Hohenstein officiating.

     Pastor Pflug is mourned by the bereaved widow at Fremont, Nebraska, by two sons, one daughter-in-law, five brothers, and tow sisters.  Several memorial wreaths were donated in memory of our dear brother.        Fremont, Nebraska; Wm. Brueggemann.

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