Monday, July 5, 2021

Our Cook Book, A.F.L. Women's Auxiliary Council of San Diego, California, 1952, CAL-353.


Our Cook Book, A.F.L. Women’s Auxiliary Council of San Diego, California, 1952, CAL-353.

While indexing this cook book, I have included the specific auxiliary the participant belonged to.  Should you be interested in a particular persons’ recipe, contact me,, and I will send copies. The numbers following the names are page numbers of the contributor’s recipes.

Anna, 13

Bill, Aunt, 56

Hazel, 22

ADAMS, Elfrieda, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 62

ALCARAZ, Gertrude, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 4, 13, 19, 21, 35, 46, 73

ALCARAZ, Mrs. Gertrude, Carpenters Auxiliary #569; 49, 50, 53-60, 67

BARLOW, Ann, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 14, 22

BARLOW, Anne, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 28

BASH, Johnny, Mrs., IS&EU Auxiliary #82, 93

BERNER, Doris, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 34, 36, 65, 72

BEYMER, William Gilmore, 86

BJORNSON, Mrs. John, Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 20

BORDEN, Ada E., Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 5

BROWN, Marie, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 29, 35, 89

BROWN, Marie L., Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 79

BUMILLER, Mrs. M., Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 41

BURNSIDE, Lorene, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 25, 27, 31, 33, 34, 32, 70, 71

BYRUM, Nell, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 43, 44

CAMPBELL, Mrs. A.L., Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 79, 85, 89

CAMPBELL, Ella, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 26

CARLIN, Barbara, Carpenters Auxiliary #412; 15, 44

CLARK, Alene, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 51

CLARK, Allene, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 17, 25, 39, 67, 69, 70, 76, 81, 86

CLARKE, Allene, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 3

CLAUSEN, Marie, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 74

COLLINS, Boots, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 76

CUNNINGHAM, Dorothy, Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 14

DUNCAN, Marie, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 15

DUNCAN, Marie K., Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 29, 63

EDWARDS, Zola, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 41

ELY, Ila, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 16, 20, 82

FIELD, Eugene, 73

GARNETT, Neva, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 6

GATES, Mrs. Ed., Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 67

GERNER, Lillian, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 73, 75

GERNER, Lillian, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 74

HARMON, Patricia, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 61

HIDER, Sue, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 25, 77

HIGGENS, Kate, Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 70, 91, 92

HIGGINS, Kate, Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 4, 7, 14, 37, 45, 48, 61, 68, 83, 93, 94

HINDER, Mrs. Sue, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 9


HOLDEN, Pruella, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 3

HOLLOWAY, Mrs. Cora, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 1, 41, 79

HOLLOWAY, Mrs. Earl F., Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 22

HUNTER, Wilda, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 37, 46, 78

HYDER, Sue, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 15

JENISON, Mary, Typo, Auxiliary#56; 68

JENKYNS, Mignon, Carpenters Auxiliary #412; 80, 90

JOHNSON, Gladys, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 12, 18

JOHNSON, Samuel, 90

KEAGLE, Harold, Mrs., Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 84

KISER, Mary J., Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 5, 7, 17, 39, 45, 69

LEACHIEN, Mrs. N., Electricians Auxiliary #465; 53

LEARNED, Betty, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 10

LECHIEN, Mrs. N., Electricians Auxiliary #465; 13

LINDSAY, Lois, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 74

LOSSING, Ollie, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 71

MC CANN, Jeanette, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 6, 26, 27, 45, 46, 78

MC DONALD, Dorothy, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 85

NEBELONG, Lura, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 11, 18, 82

NEBLONG, Lura, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 70

NELSON, Barbara, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 28

NELSON, Phyllis, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 24, 52

NEWTON, Olga, Carpenters Auxiliary #412; 2, 78

OLDHAM, Faye, Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 31, 37

OLDHAM, Faye E., Plumbers Auxiliary #63; 47

PARKMAN, Loraine, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 11

PERRY, Helen, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 2, 40, 43

PERRY, Mrs. Helen, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 53, 91

POWERS, Marianne, Carpenters Auxiliary #412; 38

RICHMOND, Katherine, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 16, 18

ROBBINS, Gwen, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 78

RUDESILL, Myrtle, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 77, 80, 82

SCHROEDER, Emma, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 5, 8, 12, 17, 21, 23

SHAW, George Bernard, 74

SMALL, Leonore, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 77

SMALL, Mabel, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 12, 20, 91

SNYDER, Mrs. H.T., Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 23, 39, 40, 52, 68, 72

SNYDER, Marea, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 17, 22, 31, 32, 38, 45, 75

SNYDER, Merea, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 67

SNYDER, Mers, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 35

SUND, Patsy, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 72

TAYLOR, John, 72

TEACHOUT, Ada, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 26, 27, 28, 40, 84

TEACHOUT, Ada C., Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 4, 7, 8, 22-24, 38, 46, 52, 69, 83, 84, 93

TITUS, Ethel, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 8, 13, 19, 26, 59, 62, 71, 75

TITUS, Mrs. Ethel, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 51, 54, 76

VAN DERWALKER, Dorothy, Electricians Auxiliary #465; 81

WATSON, Mildred, Electricians Auxiliary #569; 19, 82

WELCH, Gladys, #325; 51

WHITELEY, Marge, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 16, 43, 77

WHITELY, Marg, Carpenters Auxiliary #506; 9, 23, 24, 29, 53, 54, 56, 64, 66, 80, 89, 90, 92

WILCOX, Ella Wheeler, 57

WIRTH, Frances, Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 25, 39

WIRTH, Francis C., Carpenters Auxiliary #170; 21

WOIKE, Erma, Stereotypers Auxiliary #82; 7

ZIER, Jane, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 16, 44, 77

ZIER, Mrs. Jane, Carpenters Auxiliary #450; 2, 19, 56

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