Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Lutheran Witness, Volume XLVII, No. 9, 1 May 1928

The Lutheran Witness, the official paper of the Evangelical Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states, was published biweekly by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri.  Indexed here is Volume XLVII, No. 9, published 1 May 1928, pages 153-168, CR-1.

Of special interest are the changes of address for the reverends and the occasional obituary.  To receive copies of articles mentioning the name of your person of interest, contact (Numbers following names are page numbers.)

ANDREAE, E.J., Rev., 167
BAHR, O., 167
BARTLING, V., Rev., 168
BEHNKEN, J.W., 165
BIELENBERG, H.A., Rev., 162
BODE, A.C., Rev., 161
BOECLER, Prof., 166
BOECLER, O.C.A., 166
BOEHNE, W., 166
BOHN, Phil. H., 166
BRADY, Pastor, 162
BRADY, Russell B., Rev., 161
BRAND, F., 160
BRAND, Frederick, 159
BRANDT, George R., 162
BRENNER, J., Rev., 154
BRUGGE, V., 153
BRUNN, A., Rev., 167
BRUSS, A., Rev., 167
BRUX, 159
BRUX, A.A., 159
CH’IAO, 160
COLVILLE, Annie E., 164
CZAMANSKE, W.M., Pastor, 162
DALLMANN, Dr., 161
DALLMANN, William, Rev., D.D., 161
DAU, W.H.T., Dr., 167
DREYER, J., Rev., 167
DROEGEMUELLER, Theo., Pastor, 166
DUBE, W.E., Rev., 165 (obituary follows)
(DUBE), Lydia, 165
DU BRAU, R.T., 156
DUEKER, H.E., Rev., 167
DUEMLING, E.A., 163, 164
E.H.R., 166
EDDY, Mrs., 166
EGGERS, F.H., 166
F.D., 163
FENSKE, A., Pastor, 166
FERBER, G., 166
FIENE, P.F., 167
FINNEY, C.G., 168
FISCHER, Oscar E., 167
FLUVIANDER, Israel Holgh, 162
FRINCKE, Martin C., Jr., 161
FROEHLICH, A., Rev., 167
G., 163
GRAEBNER, Prof., 168
GRAEBNER, Th., Prof., 154, 166
GRAEBNER, Theo., Prof., 168
GUEMMER, A.G., 167
GUGEL, J.M., Rev., 165
H.H.H., 167
HAFNER, W.H., Rev., 162
HAGEMAN, G.E., Rev., 167
HANSEN, A., Rev., 165
HARTHUN, H.H.A., 167
HEINTZE, R.W., Prof., 166
HERTWIG, F.A., Rev., 167
HILDEBRANDT, R., Rev., 167
HINRICHS, E.W., Rev., 167
HOERBER, G., 167
HOHENSTEIN, Herman H., Rev., 167
HOLKAR, Tukoji Rao, Sir, 158
HOLT, Benjamin M., 168
HSU, 160
HUEBNER, G., Rev., 167
JAGELS, O.C., Rev., 167
JAHN, E.W., 166
JORDAN, Bernard, 156
JUERGENSEN, P., Rev., 167
KLAUS, E.A., Rev., 167
KOLB, O., Pastor, 166
KOLCH, F.A., Rev., 165, 167
KOSS, J.A., 167
KRETZMANN, P.E., Ph.D., D.D., 166
KRETZMANN, Paul E., Ph.D., D.D., 166
KRITSCH, Norman C., 160
KROENCKE, Frederick, Dr., 167
KROHE, A.A., 167
KROHN, H.F., Rev., 162
KUECHLE, G., Rev., 167
KUECHLE, H.C., Rev., 167
KUEHNERT, Theo., Prof., 167
LANGEHENNIG, W.G., Rev., 162
LEITZ, W.O., Rev., 167
LIEPKE, G.H., Rev., 167
LINDEMANN, Paul, 157
LOTTES, O.H., Rev., 167
LOTTMANN, Wm., 167
LUTHER, 158, 162, 166
LUTHER, Martin, 157, 162
MARTELL, S., Pastor/Rev., 166, 167
MEHL, F.A., 167
MEIER, J.H., 167
MEYER, Walter, 163
MICHEL, Arthur E., Rev., 161
MILLER, Miss, 158, 159
MILLER, Miss Nancy, 158
MOESTA, F.W., 166 (obituary follows)
MUELLER, A.J., 166
MUELLER, H.F.C., Rev., 167
MUELLER, John Theodore, 166
NAUMANN, G.A., Rev., 165
OTTE, Gilbert, Rev., 166
PETERS, Frederica, Miss, 166
POLACK, W.G., Prof., 153, 162, 166
PREDOEHL, H., Rev., 167
PRITZLAFF, Fred C., 167
PROKOPY, Paul G., Rev., 162
R.A.F., 162
RICHTER, O.C., Rev., 167
RIFAEY, S., 159
RIFAEY, Stephen, 159
ROEDER, Paul, Pastor, 162
ROHLFING, Al., 166
ROSCHKE, W.H., 167
S., 157-159, 166
SAUER, R.J., 167
SCHERER, A., 167
SCHINNERER, J., Rev., 165
SCHMIDT, H., Pastor, 166, 167
SCHUMACHER, H., Rev., 167
SEEBACH, H.C., Rev., 159
SEUEL, E., 167
SHEN, 160
SHEN, Yang, General, 160
SMITH, Copeland, Dr., 163
SMUKAL, Adolph, Pastor, 165
SMUKAL, Adolph Herman, Rev., 165 (obituary follows)
SMUKAL, Ewald, Rev., 166
SMUKAL, G., Rev., 165
SMUKAL, Gotthold, Rev., 166
SMUKAL, R.J., Rev., 166
SOMMER, M.S., Prof., 154
SOMMER, Martin S., Prof., 154
STELLHORN, A.C., 154, 163, 165
STOECKLI, Margaret, Miss, 165
STONE, Jeff K., 167
STRASEN, P., 166
THEISS, H.W., 160
VETTER, W.C., 166
Von HUENEFELD, Baron, 162
VOSS, E.H., Pastor, 167
W.G.P., 163
WAGNER, Martin L., 168
WALTHER, Dr., 165
WEI, 160
WEINHOLD, T.A., Rev., 167
WENCHEL, J. Frederick, 167
WILDGRUBE, E.G., Rev., 167
WISMAR, O.W., Rev., 161
WOKER, A., 166

Obituary of Rev. W.E. Dube

After severe suffering, which had lasted for several months, the Rev. W.E. Dube spent the last day of his life without pain.  For weeks he had been unable to speak due to a throat malady, which resulted in his death.  But on the last day God granted him the joy of being able to converse once more with the members of his family.  Making full use of this God-given privilege to admonish and encourage his loved ones, he bade them farewell.  His dying words were: “I believe that Jesus Christ has redeemed all mankind and that he has redeemed me also.  I am ready to die in the faith which I have been permitted to preach.”  He had raised himself up in his bed to make this statement and then lay down again to depart in peace.

From El Paso, Texas, where he had gone to recuperate, his earthly remains were taken to Houston, Texas, for burial.  The undersigned based his funeral address upon Phil 1:21. Rev. G.A. Naumann officiated at the grave.  Local pastors acted as pall-bearers.

Rev. W.E. Dube was born July 16, 1877, in Fedor, Texas.  After attending our colleges at Concordia, Missouri, and at Milwaukee, he graduated in 1901 from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.  His first charge was Hochkirch, Texas, where he served until 1907, when he accepted a call to Westfield, Texas.  Other congregations which he served are:  Cypress and Neudorf, Texas, Hochkirch, Texas (for the second time), Silver City, New Mexico, and Mercedes, Texas.  During the early part of 1927 he was compelled to resign his pastorate at Mercedes on account of throat trouble.  At first it seemed that a cure might be effected, but the Lord found it wise to take him from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant on February 20, 1928.

The departed married Miss Margaret Stoeckli on February 10, 1902.  God blessed the union with four children, one son and three daughters, one of whom, Lydia, God called home in September 1917.

“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth.”  J.W. Behnken.

Obituary of Rev. Adolph Herman Smukal

Again the Master, in His unsearchable wisdom and counsel, has called a young servant of the Word out of the Church Militant into the Church Triumphant:  Pastor Adolph Smukal, assistant pastor of Bethany Church, Detroit, Michigan.  He was endowed with splendid gifts and was a humble and faithful worker in his Master’s kingdom, and therefore his early death is a severe loss to his congregation and to the brethren of his conference, but especially to his aging father, whose able assistant he was.

Pastor Adolph Herman Smukal was born October 21, 1898, at Detroit, Michigan.  In 1913 he entered Concordia College at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and in 1923 he graduated from Concordia Seminary of St. Louis, Missouri.  Having been called as assistant pastor by Bethany Congregation, Detroit, he was ordained and installed into the ministry by his father July 15, 1923.  For a brief period of only four years was he permitted to serve this congregation, but his faithful and efficient work had soon won him the love and esteem of his parish.  The loss of his voice, due to tuberculosis of the larynx, compelled him to resign from the ministry July 11, 1927.  Taking leave of his congregation, his parting words were: “I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord,” Psalm 118:17, adding: “If not on earth, then surely in heaven.”  On January 12, while his brother, Rev. G. Smukal, of Los Angeles, California, was at his bedside, he died peacefully, firmly believing in Jesus, the Savior of sinners.  His age was 29 years, 2 months, and 21 days.

After a brief funeral service at Los Angeles, at which Rev. A. Hansen delivered the address, his mortal remains were sent to his parents at Detroit.  There the burial services were held January 19.  Rev. J.M. Gugel conducted the services at the home.  At the church the German sermon, based on Romans 8:28, was delivered by the undersigned; the English sermon, based on 2 Timothy 10:11a, by Rev. F.A. Kolch.  President Rev. J. Schinnerer, representing the Michigan District and the pastoral conference of which the departed was a member, addressed words of sympathy and comfort to the bereft family and congregation.  Brethren of the English District and of the Ven. Wisconsin Synod also expressed their sympathy and offered words of consolation.  Then the mortal remains were laid to rest in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Rev. Gilbert Otte officiating.

The deceased leaves his sorrowing parents, Rev. R.J. Smukal and wife, three brothers, two of whom, Rev. Gotthold Smukal at Los Angeles and Rev. Ewald Smukal at Kilbourn, Wisconsin, are serving in the ministry, and two sisters.  May God graciously comfort them through His Holy Spirit!  Phil. H. Bohn.

Obituary of Teacher F.W. Moesta

On March 26 the life of F.W. Moesta, for forty-five years teacher of St. James’ Lutheran School at Logansport, Indiana, came to a close at the age of 71 years.  He was born in Hesse-Cassel, Germany, September 4, 1847, and came to this country when seventeen years old.  Graduating from our Teachers’ Seminary at Addison, Illinois, in 1869, he accepted a call to Logansport, where he taught uninterruptedly till his resignation fourteen years ago.  In 1874 he was united in marriage with Miss Frederica Peters, which union was blessed with two children.

Teacher Moesta was a sincere Christian and a faithful, teacher, and even when no longer active in school, he employed his time in the interest of the congregation.  He was a gifted musician and an accomplished organist.  His Interludes, composed in the early days of our Synod, were extensively used.

Benevolent bequests amounting to $195 were made in his memory by his many friends and former pupils.  E.H.R.

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